Categories: #EdShift ChatsEducationShiftPerspectives

#EdShift Chat: How Closely Should J-Schools, Industry Collaborate?

Photo by The Natural Step Canada and used here with Creative Commons license.

On Tuesday, March 10, our #EdShift chat will cover the relationship between journalism schools and media outlets. Join us at 1 p.m. Eastern Time / 12 p.m. Central Time / 10 a.m. Pacific Time as we discuss how and to what extent journalism educators and industry partners should collaborate.

The chat will be moderated as usual by MediaShift’s Education Curator Katy Culver, with special guests Steve Fox of the University of Massachusetts, Josh Meyer of Northwestern University, James Rada of Ithaca College, Ted Gutsche of Florida International University, Kate MacMillin of Florida International University, Max Duke of WPBT2, Jeff Howe of Northeastern University and Lauren Fuhrmann of the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism. A Storify of the chat will be added to this page after the chat.

Meagan Doll :

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