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Media and Journalism Awards: December 2014 Edition

Photo by Iain Browne and used here with Creative Commons license.

Here’s a list of current media and journalism awards, including deadlines for applying. If we’re missing any major programs, please use our Contact Form to let us know, and we’ll add them to the list. 


Pulitzer Prizes
Columbia University
The Pulitzer Prize awards achievements in newspaper and online journalism, literature and musical composition.
Deadline: January 25, 2015

Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Journalism
The Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Journalism was established by members of the Taylor family, who published The Boston Globe from 1872 to 1999, to encourage fairness in news coverage by American journalists and news organizations.
Deadline: January 23, 2015

Worth Bingham Prize for Investigative Journalism
The $20,000 Worth Bingham Prize honors investigative reporting of stories of national significance where the public interest is being ill-served.
Deadline: January 23, 2015


Edward R. Murrow Awards
Radio Television Digital News Association
The award honors outstanding achievements in electronic journalism and are presented to news organizations.
Deadline: February 3, 2015

European Digital Media Awards
World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers
The awards honor European publishers that have excelled in their digital offerings.
Deadline: February 15, 2015

Livingston Awards for Young Journalists
The Livingston Awards for Young Journalists honor outstanding achievement by professionals under the age of 35 in local, national and international reporting.
Deadline: February 1, 2015

New America Award
Society of Professional Journalists
SPJ’s New America Award honors public service journalism that explores and exposes an issue of importance to immigrant or ethnic communities currently living in the United States. Although not required, collaboration with ethnic media is taken into account.
Deadline: February 13, 2015

Selden Ring Award
University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism
The Selden Ring Award highlights the importance of investigative journalism in modern day reporting.
Deadline: February 2015

Society of Environmental Journalists Awards
SEJ’s awards honor the best environmental journalism in seven categories, bringing recognition to the most important stories on the planet. Journalism broadcast or published in print or online is eligible.
Deadline: February 2015

Society of Professional Journalists Awards
The Society of Professional Journalists has various awards for professional to collegiate journalists for excellence in various forms of media.
Deadline: February 2015


Ancil Payne Awards for Ethics in Journalism
University of Oregon
The award honors journalists who inspire public trust and demonstrate exceptional journalism ethics behavior.
Deadline: March 3, 2015


Anthony Shadid Award for Journalism Ethics
University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Journalism Ethics
One journalism or team will be recognized for reporting on a story or series with ethical excellence — by seeking and reporting truth, minimizing harm, acting independently, and remaining accountable.

APME Journalism Excellence Awards
Associated Press Media Editors
The awards honor superior journalism and innovation among newspapers, radio, televise band online news sites across the United States and Canada.

Best of Photojournalism Competition
National Press Photographers Association
This long-standing visual journalism competition recognizes the most talented professionals in still, video, multimedia and editing.

Data Journalism Awards
Global Editors Network
The awards is an international contest recognizing outstanding work in data journalism worldwide.

Hearst Journalism Awards Program
Hearst Foundation
The program awards scholarships to students for outstanding performance in college-level journalism, with matching grants to the students’ schools.
Deadlines: April 2015

ICFJ Awards
International Center for Journalists
The ICFJ has various awards, including a news innovation award, which promotes the free flow of news and the open exchange of ideas, and an award for general excellence in journalism.

I.F. Stone Awards
The Investigative Fund
Winners of the I.F. Stone Award will receive funding to cover the reporting costs of a project proposal, up to a maximum of $10,000; editorial guidance from Investigative Fund editors; access to such subscription services as Nexis and Accurint; and assistance with placement of the investigation in a print, online or broadcast outlet.

Mirror Awards
Syracuse University S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
The Mirror Awards honor excellence in media industry reporting in various categories for various forms of media.

Online Journalism Awards
Online Journalism Association
The Online Journalism Awards (OJAs) was launched in May 2000 to honor excellence in digital journalism around the world.

Shorty Awards
The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media. Millions of people participate in The Shortys to recognize individuals and organizations producing great content on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, Foursquare and the rest of the social web.

United Nations/Ranan Lurie Political Cartoon Awards
The United Nations/Ranan Lurie
The awards are granted for the best political cartoons reflecting the spirit and the principles of the United Nations.

Sonia Paul is a freelance journalist based in India, and is the editorial assistant at PBS MediaShift. She is on Twitter @sonipaul.

Sonia Paul :Sonia Paul is an independent journalist and radio producer, and contributing editor at MediaShift. She is a senior fellow with the Fund for Investigative Journalism and Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University. Her stories have aired and published in numerous media outlets, including NPR, New York Times, Public Radio International, Foreign Policy, VICE News, Backchannel, 60dB and Roads & Kingdoms. She is on Twitter and Instagram @sonipaul.

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  • I­­'v­­­­e b­­­e­e­­n a­v­­­era­­g­i­­­n­g 8­­­­­­­­­­­5 b­u­­­c­­­­­­k­s e­­­v­­­e­­­ry h­­o­­­u­­r s­­­i­n­­ce i s­­­t­­­ar­t­­­ed f­­­re­­e­­­la­­nc­­­in­­g o­­v­­­e­­r t­­h­­­e in­­­t­­­e­­r­­ne­­­t 6 m­­o­­­nt­­hs a­­­­g­o... A­­l­­l i h­a­­­v­­­e t­­­o d­­­­o i­­­­s t­­­­o s­­­­i­­­t a­­­t h­­­o­m­e f­­e­­­w h­­r­­­­s a d­­­­a­­­y a­­n­d d­­­­­­­­o si­­­mp­l­e jo­­b­­­s i g­­­­e­­­t f­­r­­­o­­m t­­­h­­­i­­s c­­­o­­m­­­p­a­­n­­y t­­­h­­­­a­­t i f­­­ou­­n­­­d o­­n­­-l­­i­n­­e... I a­­­­­m v­­e­­r­y h­­a­­p­­p­­y t­­­­­o s­­­­­h­a­­­­r­e t­­­h­­i­s t­­­o y­­­o­u... i­­­t's i­­­nc­r­edi­­b­­l­e!

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