Categories: EducationShiftInnovationPerspectivesSocial Media

#wjchat: Rebooting Journalism Schools

With changes in the field of journalism, it’s important to take a look at how new professionals are learning their skills in journalism and communication schools. In early December, #wjchat focused on what journalism schools are doing right and wrong, as well as ways to improve journalism education, with special guest Eric Newton from the Knight Foundation.

Below is a Storify curation of highlights from the chat.


Lauren Simonis is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison studying Journalism and English. She is an intern for the EducationShift section at PBS MediaShift.

Lauren Simonis :Lauren Simonis is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison studying Journalism and English. She is an intern at PBS MediaShift.

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  • Journalism schools should teach reporters how to communicate like teachers instead of entertainers.
    Consider our tax code. There have been many news reports on our tax code since the 1986 reforms but nothing was done to stop Congress from creating at least one new tax deduction for every lobbyist with a campaign contribution. So all of the hard work by many reporters was a complete waste of time. Their only positive accomplishment was to entertain the publics. But reporters won't change their professional standards of journalism because they don't care about their failure to communicate, And my comment will be ignored by all of the pseudo experts who contributed to the above orgy of narcissism.

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