Categories: Must Reads

Daily Must Reads, November 15, 2013

PBS MediaShift Must Reads

1. How the New York Times neglects business journalism (Felix Salmon / Reuters)

2. On the ethics of data-driven journalism (Alex Howard / Tow Center)

3. News use across social media platforms (Jeffrey Gottfried, Jesse Holcomb & Amy Mitchell / Pew Research)

4. A look inside the Wall Street Journal’s video app toolbox (Alastair Reid /

5. Understanding the rise of sponsored content (Jeff Sonderman & Millie Tran / American Press Institute)

6. Upworthy: Clickbait with a conscience (Derek Thompson / The Atlantic)


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Julie Keck :Julie Keck is a social media consultant and filmmaker based in Chicago. She has spoken about social media engagement, crowdfunding, and film at SXSW, the University of Notre Dame, Columbia College, DePaul, the Chicago International Film Festival, and more. Julie is also the social media and newsletter editor for MediaShift. Play with her on Twitter at @kingisafink.

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