Categories: Must Reads

Daily Must Reads, October 25, 2013

1. Former NSA spy chief gets a tastes of his own medicine thanks to a random act of journalism (Matthew Ingram / GigaOm)

2. The role of news on Facebook (Amy Mitchell, Jocelyn Kiley, Jeffrey Godfried & Emily Guskin / Pew Research Journalism Project)

3. The decline of Wikipedia (Tom Simonite / MIT Tech Review)

4. “Magazines are the original native ads.” (Michael Sebastian / AdAge)

5. Tumblr passes 65 billion posts, strengthens search feature (Matthew Panzarino / TechCrunch)

6. YouTube takes on the news (Josh Sternberg / Digiday)


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Julie Keck :Julie Keck is a social media consultant and filmmaker based in Chicago. She has spoken about social media engagement, crowdfunding, and film at SXSW, the University of Notre Dame, Columbia College, DePaul, the Chicago International Film Festival, and more. Julie is also the social media and newsletter editor for MediaShift. Play with her on Twitter at @kingisafink.

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