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Spending Stories’ ‘Data Expedition’ Tackles Tax Avoidance and Evasion

The Spending Stories team [mentioned earlier in the year]( that we were looking into ways of helping journalists negotiate tricky financial topics. We’re pleased to announce our first pilot “[data expedition](” on the topic of tax evasion and avoidance. It aims to help reporters negotiate the key decisions made when writing on this highly contentious topic.


Want to dig deep into tax avoidance and evasion? We have gathered a wide range of data on this sensitive topic, and for one afternoon we’ll guide you through some of the key decisions to think about when writing a story on it. With tax evasion and tax avoidance currently such a hot topic in the media, it’s crucial that people can understand the difference between the two terms as well as the mechanisms by which they happen.

When: Thursday June 6, 12:00 BST to 17:00 BST

We’ll be looking for projects such as:

  • Exploring the tax avoidance schemes used by Apple, Google, Amazon or Starbucks;

  • Looking at data gathered by tax collection authorities and patterns of avoidance that emerge from that dataset;

  • Creating a “most wanted” list of tax evaders for future research;

  • Your project here!

Sign up here for the Data Expedition!

Please note that limited space is available. For more information about the Data Expedition format, we encourage you to read this article.

How can I participate?

To get involved either:

  • Lead a team (up to six hours) — Are you able to help to coordinate a team on the day? This involves helping your team understand the options and research that’s been conducted and starting a discussion about the choice of story and how to construct a plan for making the story happen. The School of Data team will hold a specific hangout for team leads on Monday, June 3 at 12:00 BST to prepare for Thursday’s activities. Please email schoolofdata [at] if you are interested in getting involved.

  • Offer an expert introduction (up to one hour) — We’re looking for experts who understand the loopholes or tactics used by companies in different countries to offer quick introductions 5-30 minutes long to get the expedition started.

  • Join us as a participant on the day (3-6 hours) — You will need to be prepared to brainstorm ideas with others in your group and ultimately explain your choice of story. There will be two roles you can take on the day — either getting stuck into the data (analyst) or writing (storyteller).

  1. Aims of the expedition

We will aim to give people:

  • A clear understanding of the difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance;
  • A key understanding of a few schemes via which people engage in them;
  • Perhaps also a few story ideas!
  1. How to get involved

Please make sure you are registered here and that you select “Tax Avoidance/Evasion” in the “I’m Interested in…” section. Please note: You will need to be available for at least three hours during the expedition period and spaces will be limited, so preference will be given to those who can definitely commit to the expedition. Spaces will be confirmed shortly before the expedition.

  1. Stay up to date with the latest data expeditions

Want to be informed anytime there is a new data expedition? Join the School of Data announcement list to get notifications of the expeditions as soon as they are announced.

*Lucy Chambers is a community coordinator at the Open Knowledge Foundation. She works on the OKF’s OpenSpending project and coordinates the data-driven-journalism activities of the foundation, including
running training sessions and helping to streamline the production of a collaboratively written handbook for data journalists.*

Lucy Chambers :

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