Categories: Must Reads

Daily Must Reads, April 19, 2012

The best stories across the web on media and technology, curated by Lily Leung.

1. Publishers could reach settlement with 50 states in e-books case (PaidContent)

2. NBC will stream live all 30-plus sports in upcoming summer Olympics (NYT)

3. California’s lieutenant governor snags gig at Current TV (NYT)

4. Spotify teams up with Coca-Cola to draw more users (Businessweek)

5. Do social-reader apps on Facebook work? (ReadWriteWeb)

6. Should the Emmys shift to a web-only program? (The Wrap)

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Lily Leung :Lily writes about residential real estate at the U-T San Diego (formerly known as The San Diego Union-Tribune.) She previously covered local government at The Arizona Republic, where her hallmark was watchdog reporting. Her work has been published in The Miami Herald, Naples (Fla.) Daily News and businessjournalism.org. She really digs social-media tools like Storify, open government and San Diego craft beer. Her latest obsession is vinyl-hunting.

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