Categories: Must Reads

Daily Must Reads, Jan. 11, 2012

PBS MediaShift Must Reads

The best stories across the web on media and technology, curated by Nathan Gibbs

1. Justice Alito: “It is not going to be long before [broadcast TV] goes the way of vinyl records and eight-track tapes” (New York Times)

2. Finding success through pay walls (Monday Note)

3. UK to reintroduce computer science teaching in schools (Geek) 

4. Patch triples traffic year-over-year, claims growth across network ‘consistent’ (Street Fight)

5. Piano Media wants national paywalls all over Europe (Nieman Journalism Lab)

6. Q&A with Nick Kristof on journalism in a digital world (Fast Company)

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Nathan Gibbs :Nathan Gibbs teaches multimedia journalism as an adjunct instructor for Point Loma Nazarene University and the SDSU Digital and Social Media Collaborative. Gibbs oversees multimedia content as web producer for KPBS, the PBS and NPR affiliate in San Diego. He played a key role in the station's groundbreaking use of social media during the 2007 Southern California wildfires and continues to drive interactive strategy. Gibbs is on Twitter as "@nathangibbs": and runs "Modern Journalist":, a blog for journalists exploring multimedia.

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