Categories: Must Reads

Daily Must Reads, Nov. 30, 2011

The best stories across the web on media and technology

1. CNN cites quality of iReporters’ cameras when laying off photojournalists (PetaPixel)

2. U.S. judge orders hundreds of sites “de-indexed” from Google, Facebook (Ars Technica)

3. Is Siri anti-abortion? (The Raw Story)

4. FTC announces 20-year privacy deal with Facebook (paidContent)

5. New publisher of technical books embraces e-books and authors, not DRM (VentureBeat)

6. How 1970s video collectives anticipated our strange Internet (The Atlantic)

7. Games, government and the future of coding in the UK (The Guardian)

8. Google opens door to mobile maps inside buildings (ReadWriteWeb)

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Nathan Gibbs :Nathan Gibbs teaches multimedia journalism as an adjunct instructor for Point Loma Nazarene University and the SDSU Digital and Social Media Collaborative. Gibbs oversees multimedia content as web producer for KPBS, the PBS and NPR affiliate in San Diego. He played a key role in the station's groundbreaking use of social media during the 2007 Southern California wildfires and continues to drive interactive strategy. Gibbs is on Twitter as "@nathangibbs":https://twitter.com/nathangibbs and runs "Modern Journalist":http://modernjournalist.com/, a blog for journalists exploring multimedia.

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