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Top 5, September 13, 2011

  1. Boston Globe launches pay wall site
    Will charge $3.99 per week for non-print subscribers
  2. Time spent on social networks soars
    22.5 percent of time online goes to social sites
  3. Tablets the answer for newspapers?
    Philly papers offer subscribers $99 Android tablet
  4. Authors’ Guild sues over book digitization
    Effort to block digital lending at universities
  5. Small-town newspapers thriving
    Sports, obituaries, police blotters are most successful
Kristilyn Whigham :Kristilyn Whigham is currently seeking a Master's degree from Georgetown University in political journalism. She has interned in a range of media outlets including The Root, CNN Presents, ABC News, and most recently First Lady Michelle Obama's office. Kristilyn also founded "The Political Girl":, a blog dedicated to covering political women.

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