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Top 5, August 18, 2011

  1. BBC News: We may use photos posted on social networks
    Will post without permission only in ‘exceptional situations’
  2. News sites using Facebook comments see high return
    Higher quality discussion, more referrals for articles
  3. First printed social media magazine released
    Social Media Monthly to offer media news and analysis
  4. Wasting time online boosts productivity
    Refreshes workers after long periods of work
  5. iPhone users watch more video than Android users
    Vidly: 62 percent of videos were watched on iPhones
Kristilyn Whigham :Kristilyn Whigham is currently seeking a Master's degree from Georgetown University in political journalism. She has interned in a range of media outlets including The Root, CNN Presents, ABC News, and most recently First Lady Michelle Obama's office. Kristilyn also founded "The Political Girl":http://www.thepoliticalgirl.com/, a blog dedicated to covering political women.

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