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Top 5 January 18, 2011

  1. Goldman backtracks on Facebook
    But Facebook’s ad revenues skyrocket
  2. Publishers frustrated with iPad
    Lack of subscription options dampening sales
  3. MySpace for sale
    News Corp may spin off site if no buyer found
  4. Metered pay walls work?
    Journalism Online says papers only saw small drops in traffic, revenue
  5. Celebs cash in sponsored tweets
    Fewer ads bought in news orgs’ Twitter streams
Corbin Hiar :"Corbin Hiar": is the DC-based associate editor at MediaShift and climate blogger for UN Dispatch and the Huffington Post. He is a regular contributor to More Intelligent Life, an online arts and culture publication of the Economist Group, and has also written about environmental issues on and the website of The New Republic. Before Corbin moved to the Capital to join the Ben Bagdikian Fellowship Program at Mother Jones, he worked a web internship at The Nation in New York City. Follow him on Twitter "@CorbinHiar":

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