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Top 5 March 11, 2010

  1. CNN fears Facebook
    CNN prez said Facebook friends “are trusted sources of information.”
  2. Inside Bay Area News Project
    L.A. Times spends time with team launching startup
  3. Google’s economist talks newspapers
    Tells them to “experiment, experiment, experiment” and engage with readers
  4. Writer’s view of Demand Media
    Freelancer tests how system really works
  5. Can pay walls and free content co-exist?
    News Corp. exec: Choice between pay wall or free not mutually exclusive
Craig Silverman :Craig Silverman is an award-winning journalist and author. A weekly columnist for Columbia Journalism Review, his writing has appeared in the New York Times, Globe And Mail, Montreal Gazette, Toronto Star, Harvard’s Nieman Reports and Editor & Publisher online, among other publications. He is the founder and editor of Regret The Error, a website that reports on media accuracy, errors and corrections, and the author of "Regret the Error: How Media Mistakes Pollute the Press and Imperil Free Speech," which won the Arthur Rowse Award for Press Criticism from the National Press Club. Based in Montreal, his personal site is CraigSilverman.ca.

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