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An Update on ReportingOn 2.0 Development

Here’s an eight-minute tour of ReportingOn 2.0, as it stood on our development server on Tuesday June 17, 2009.

I’m extremely psyched to report that we’re on track for a July 1 launch of the second phase of this Knight News Challenge funded project.

As a quick refresher, ReportingOn 1.0 launched back in October 2008, as a rather Twitter-like backchannel for beat reporters to connect based on common interests.

Some pieces of the first iteration worked out well, and some of them — well, we learned a lot.

What’s next? Launching version 2.0 on July 1, releasing the open source Django project powering ReportingOn, and working with news organizations and individuals to get them involved, with the hope that they’ll be ready to collaborate based on their common interests — and their common need for context, mentorship, and answers.

Watch the screencast, and please, add your feedback and comments here — I need your answers, too.

Ryan Sholin :

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  • Thanks to everyone who saw the ReportingOn 2.0 demo in person this week at #kncmit -- those of you who saw it this morning might notice that a few pieces of development were finished between the morning I recorded this screencast and now.

    I'll post another update soon as the team gets down to the last big chunks of development work ahead of our scheduled July 1 launch. If you want a preview, drop me a tweet or an email to let me know.

    -- Ryan

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