Categories: Uncategorized

Top Five Two Hundred Thirty Five

  1. Wikipedia obit hoax
    Irish student gets fake quote into newspapers who relied on Wikipedia
  2. Cell-only households
    CDC report finds that 1 in 5 U.S. homes have eliminated landlines
  3. Hate on Facebook
    Site criticized over Holocaust denial Facebook groups
  4. Spam trending on Twitter
    Spammers discover, invade Twitter trending topics
  5. Life without newspapers
    Shafer looks back at NYC during ’62-‘63 newspaper strike
Mike Rosen-Molina :Mike Rosen-Molina is a Northern California freelance reporter and an associate editor for MediaShift. A graduate of the University of California at Berkeley schools of journalism and law, he has worked as an editor for the Fairfield Daily Republic and as a managing editor for JURIST legal news services.

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