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New Resource Devoted to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act

The Citizen Media Law Project, which I direct, today launched a new page that aggregates everything on our site relating to section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (“Section 230”), the important federal statute that protects operators of websites and other interactive computer services from liability for publishing the statements of third-parties.

We’ve also added some detailed background on Section 230, links to our legal guide materials, and feeds showing recent legal threats from our database, blog posts, and news from other websites. The page also has a list of outside resources and will soon host a compendium of Section 230’s legislative history.

We hope that this new page will help citizen media and other online publishers conveniently access the diverse and ever-increasing materials and commentary on our site and across the Web relating to Section 230 and provide useful context for understanding the statute and the debates surrounding it.

You can check out the new page here.

David Ardia :

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