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Each Culture Should Communicate News Their Way

Yesterday I finished a field visit to one of the Community Video Units Video Volunteers has helped to set up, in rural Rajasthan, in villages outside Jodhpur. Rural Rajasthan is an incredibly colorful and culturally rich area, and so the “Community Video Unit” has lots of potential for great programming on arts and culture. But rural Rajasthan is a deeply conservative and feudal place, where the women are veiled, and there is very high incidence of child marriage and female foeticide.

My hat goes off to the Jal Bhagirathi Foundation, the NGO who has set up this Community Video Unit (they are one of the leading organizations working on the issue of water in Rajasthan), for embracing a project that is all about dialog and encouraging the lowest and most repressed members of society to speak out. It’s not easy for them and it’s not easy for the Community Producers, who come from such a conservative place and have so much baggage they need to get rid of. These community producers, who are also relatively new to our training, are a quiet bunch, quieter than many of the Community Producers we’re involved with. But it was interesting to see that they are much more open in their communication when they are in the villages.

My colleague Stalin went with them to a screening in the villages. The CVU, which is called “Marwar Media”, had recently finished a video news magazine on gender and girls education, and there were about 250 people who came for the screening. The “Call to Action” of the film was for villagers to come up to the mic and pledge to enroll their girls in school. Happily in this village, the girls were mostly enrolled, and so they asked villagers to pledge to keep their girls in school through high school, something that rarely happens here. One could see, even in this deeply conservative area, people being willing to speak up, including the Community Producers who spoke confidently and openly here when they are often quiet back in the office.

I want to make a few observations regarding community media in response to what we observed. One is that communications processes are very different depending on who is in the group. One might see this group of producers in the office and wonder if they would ever be able to be ‘the voice of their community’ if they seem so shy. But they are not so shy in their own villages!

I suspect that people — ie, development agencies and funders — have downplayed the potential of community media because they don’t realize the level of articulateness that happens when a community is speaking amongst itself. Another point is that anyone can be empowered and learn to speak out, it is not something innate. NGOs who want to start Community Video Units are always saying to us, ‘but how do I select the right community producers? How do I find people in my slums who are creative, confident, articulate? How do you identify someone with the potential to be a journalist?’ We tell them, yes, look out for people who have confidence and can speak well, but don’t only take those kinds, because the confident ones may not need this transformation process so much.

Our observation after a few years of doing this work is that everyone has the potential for transformation, and to me, that is deeply inspiring about the potential for any single individual’s potential for happiness. And also for society’s ability to make use of talent from any walk of life. Affection and encouragement work wonders for encouraging young women from poor backgrounds in India to find their voice. And theater exercises can bring just about anyone out of their shell.

Another thing one observes at a video screening and discussion in a village is that the way different cultures communicate has such different rhythms and speeds. My question is, can we ever alter the way we communicate our news so the ideas of people in rural villages can find a space? What happens if their way of communicating is very different from ours? Does it mean that communication is not possible? Does it mean that they will need to be excluded from our news-making businesses until they can talk ‘like us?’ I hope not.

All traditional news is geared to what seems to me a very American way of communicating: make your point quickly, bring things to a clear resolution, gather evidence and proof for everything you say. That way of communicating serves us well in the west, but what if it disconnects us from the ideas and knowledge of other cultures?

Jessica Mayberry :

View Comments (5)

  • I believe anyone can be a journalist. A journalist needs one simple principle- the desire to report facts rather than embellish. As long as this one code is followed then anyone can be a journalist.


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  • Desire is good.

    But the ability to tell a story is a must have. Either in words or pictures. If the journalist can't do it themselves, then the news organization needs the "rewrite man."

  • With web 2.0, it is easy to become a journalist. Just setup a blog, post articles, open up new forum threads, express your opinion. There are so many ways of becoming a journalist. Now the above are all voluntary. To be a paid journalist, is another thing. You have to follow some format, some linguistic rules.

    In my own little way, I setup sites and blogs. I do write a lot. And I love it.


  • I guess the real distinction is between journalist and excellent journalist. It's a bit like being a designer and/or being an excellent designer.

    To be clear, excellence is not the province of the people who are paid to do it. But keep in mind that the average number of readers for the gezillions of blogs out there is about 1.5.

    Tools are just tools. They do open the profession to many people. But the number of "great" of anything is relatively small.

    As Gladwell describes in the Outliers, it's less about "talent" and more about reflective practice.

  • I love this post. It shows how old technology used in new and innovative ways can have a powerful effect on the right audience. Also, it shows the powerful combination of information, live audience and civic engagement. Journalists want to make a difference. Community Video Units do just that.

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