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‘News Mixer’ Offers Better Engagement

The Crunchberry Project — six graduate journalism students, including two "programmer-journalists" attending the Medill School on Knight News Challenge scholarships — set out this fall to solve two challenging problems: Improving conversations around news, and building news engagement among young adults.

Here’s what they came up with: News Mixer. It melds three "commenting structures" — question and answer, short-format "quips," and letters to the editor — into a site that leverages users’ social networks by using the newly released Facebook Connect system.

News Mixer is already getting some positive buzz thanks to some Twittering last week after Team Crunchberry presented the site to Medill faculty and to the class’s sponsor, Gazette Communications in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Patrick Beeson, a content manager for E.W. Scripps Interactive Newspaper Group, wrote that News Mixer "could be a game-changing effort for news story comments." Blogger Nick Gehring wrote that News Mixer "takes news-story commenting out of the ghetto."

What’s online now is a demonstration site. Log in with your Facebook ID and you can see how it works (and help us load-test the software). Invite your Facebook friends to use the site and you can get a sense of the interesting possibilities. Here are some of the highlights:

Facebook Connect. Using a Facebook ID means you don’t need to establish a new login and password to use News Mixer. Beyond that, Facebook Connect allows the site to display comments from your social network, meaning that every user has a different — and personalized — experience. We’re thinking that this will stimulate more intelligent discussion than generally occurs via the open-ended comment box that appears at the end of articles on most news sites. Also, every time you post to News Mixer, you are given the option of cross-posting that comment to your Facebook feed, which exposes it to friends not using our site and potentially draws them to participate as well.

Three options to comment. Team Crunchberry decided to offer three very different options for reader response:

  • Questions and Answers: Displayed like annotations in the margin of an article, readers can ask a question about any paragraph of the article — or answer questions left behind by other people.

  • Quips: Displayed as a small talk-bubble in a live feed on the home page and on article pages, quips are short-form comments that allow people to leave feedback in a quick, to-the-point form. They’re modeled after Twitter and instant-messaging.

  • Letters to the Editor: A very old idea, but with a few new twists. News Mixer calls on letter writers to "Add your voice to the marketplace of ideas. Offer a thoughtful point of view in 250 words or less." Once written, letters are treated equivalently to articles in News Mixer. Each letter gets its own page, and people are allowed to write letters in response. When a letter is particularly insightful, an editor can use the News Mixer content management system to designate it as an "editor highlight." The "editor highlight" letters are given prominence on the main Letters to the Editor page, and also appear on the home page, intermingled with news articles. The idea is to encourage and reward the most thoughtful responses.

User profiles. All users of News Mixer get their own profile page. On News Mixer, users are allowed to follow each other’s activity on the site, and view the activity in their news feed. Along with your own contributions, recent comments from your Facebook friends and people you’re following on News Mixer are aggregated and quantified in your user profile, which serves as the nexus for the News Mixer social community.

A personalized home page. The News Mixer home page highlights recent comments and "quips" from your social network. It also highlights a question that has recently generated a lot of activity.

Gazette Communications is interested in launching a version of the site, geared to young adults in eastern Iowa, in 2009. The code that powers the site is available on Google Code, and we’ve already gotten some interest in using it for other sites.

I’m really proud of the student team that developed this site in just 11 weeks (about six weeks of hard-core coding): Andrea Nitzke, Joshua Pollock, Stuart Tiffen, Kayla Webley and "programmer-journalists" Brian Boyer and Ryan Mark. We’ve never done original software development in a Medill "innovation project" class before, so the students (and their instructors, me and Jeremy Gilbert) learned a lot. And I think it really does offer some provocative new ideas for approaching conversations around news.

If nothing else, I think News Mixer is "proof of concept" that enrolling programmers in journalism schools — and teaming them up with journalism students to develop an innovation relevant to the future of journalism — is a good idea. We’re still looking for applicants for the remaining Knight News Challenge scholarships — if you’re a coder interested in applying your skills to inventing the future of journalism, please check us out.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be writing more about the lessons learned from the News Mixer project, and about other features that Team Crunchberry would add if they had more time. We welcome your feedback on News Mixer.

Rich Gordon :Rich Gordon is a professor and director of digital innovation. At Medill, he launched the school’s graduate program in new media journalism. He has spent most of his career exploring the areas where journalism and technology intersect. Prof. Gordon was an early adopter of desktop analytical tools (spreadsheets and databases) to analyze data for journalistic purposes. At The Miami Herald, he was among the first generation of journalists to lead online publishing efforts at newspapers. At Medill, he has developed innovative courses through which students have explored digital content and communities and developed new forms of storytelling that take advantage of the unique capabilities of interactive media. In addition to teaching and writing about digital journalism, he is director of new communities for the Northwestern Media Management Center, where he is responsible for a research initiative focusing on the impact of online communities, including social networks, on journalism and publishing.

View Comments (5)

  • Thanks for the link Rich!

    As I stated in my blog entry, I really think y'all are headed in the right direction for creating value for comments and community interaction with news sites.

    I'm looking forward to seeing this in action for an existing site!

  • *I tried sending the following through the Feedback form on the site but it threw an error and since Facebook Connect isn't working this seems to be the closest way I can find to communicate my problems*

    The Facebook Connect login is throwing an error when I try and login:

    "Invalid Argument

    The Facebook Connect cross-domain receiver URL ( must have the application's callback url ( as a prefix. You can configure the callback url in the application's settings."

    Any thoughts on offering your own registration alongside FBC so that users could still participate in the site even if the FB service is down? And what about people who don't use Facebook or don't want their comments here connected to their Facebook identity in any way at all (even if it is only Facebook being aware that I logged into this site, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with FB knowing where I'm logging into various apps)?

    Or as I'm guessing may be more likely FBC was a quick and easy way to implement user management so you went that route so you could spend time on other features.

  • Hi, Rick. Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to send the error message on to our developers.

    We did, in fact, consider allowing a News Mixer-only registration system in addition to Facebook Connect. With the Django framework that was used to build the site, it would certainly be possible to add this.

    At the end of the day, the team decided that having a separate registration system for the site was less important, given the class's goals and the limited time we had, than some other features.

    We also felt that one of the main purposes of launching this demonstration site was to show the power of Facebook Connect (and other "portable" social network ID's) in surfacing relevant content and -- perhaps -- reducing the need to moderate and police user contributions. As Brian Boyer put it:

    "Will you be more likely to comment if you know your friends will see what you have to say? Will you be less likely to act like a jackass? We’re hoping so."

  • Very interesting idea. I once had a concept like this that we called "Talk About It," which would let you comment on anything on the Web, including news stories but much more. The web sites that were commented on could choose to surface those comments by adding code.

    Sounds like NewsMixer is similar, but uses Facebook's new Connect API -- which is better because it's free. I'll be watching with interest to see how this unfolds!

  • Update for Rick Mason and others: We have repaired the error that Rick found yesterday. We welcome feedback via the News Mixer feedback form:

    Also, anticipating one issue: At this point, the site is not compatible with IE6. IE7, Firefox, Chrome all should be good.


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