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What’s a Good Challenge for a J-School Innovation Class?

As I noted in my last post, the first two programmer-journalists (whose journalism education was financed via scholarships from the Knight News Challenge) will be among the students enrolled in a Medill School "innovation project" class.

Between now and when the class starts (Sept. 23), we have to decide what the focus of the project will be. In my experience with previous projects, the key is to come up with an interesting challenge or question for the students to explore.

Right now there are two competing ideas, neither of them yet specific enough to organize the class around:

  • Civic engagement through online conversations
  • Mobile content and services

Here’s a little more detail about the two possibilities.

Civic engagement through online conversations

For more than half a century, newspaper readership has been declining – and so have a variety of other indicators of civic and community engagement, such as participation in PTA’s, membership in bowling leagues and turnout on Election Day. Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam documented these changes in American society in an influential article and a best-selling book, “Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community.” The book, published in 2000, popularized the concept of “social capital,” the idea that people’s social relationships produce tangible benefits for their communities. “Bowling Alone” also offered some intriguing insights about the relationship between communities and journalism: the best predictor of community engagement, Putnam said, was newspaper readership.

More recently, Putnam has published even more troubling findings: The more diverse a community is in race and ethnicity, the less trust there is among members of that community and the weaker the bonds are that connect people to one another.

What I’ve been wondering about is whether new technologies can, in any way, help rebuild social capital among people who live in the same community. We know that online communities enable people with common interests to build powerful connections even if they are halfway around the world from one another. I’m intrigued by the possibility that we could apply these online community tools to strengthening local bonds.

It’s also hard to ignore that when conversations about the news occur on the Web, they often turn ugly — or, at best, fail to advance the discussion beyond ranting and raving. Many news organizations have been struggling just to keep their online comments civilized — let alone productive. I have been wondering if there’s a way that journalists can play a role in improving these conversations — for instance, by doing original reporting to corroborate or debunk what people are saying in these online conversations.

Evidence that local media can play a role in fostering community conversation can be found in newspaper history. David Paul Nord’s fascinating book, “Communities of Journalism,” for instance, describes many instances in which newspapers served as community forums, not just as one-way communicators of news and information. He describes the way newspapers enabled Philadelphians to share valuable information during a yellow fever epidemic in 1793. And how Chicago newspapers built a sense of community through letters to the editor.

Online communities have been around for decades, since before the World Wide Web. And anyone who has participated in successful online communities knows that they can build powerful interpersonal connections that transcend members’ gender, racial or ethnic differences. Yet, there are also arguments – for instance, by Cass Sunstein in his book Republic.com – that online communities can foster isolation and division by enabling people to connect only with those whose characteristics and attitudes are like theirs.

What I might challenge our students to do is come up with ways to improve online conversations about the news — to build social capital and raise the quality of these conversations.

Mobile content and services

The second idea — to challenge the class to develop something interesting for mobile platforms — is even less well-formed than the first. Still, the topic seems hard to ignore given these recent developments:

  • As another student team found earlier this year, all mobile phones are increasingly going to be GPS-enabled.
  • The new iPhone has GPS functionality and also provides a platform to distribute applications
  • The first Android (Google) phones will be on the market before the end of the year, and will also serve as a platform for third-party applications..

The challenge to students might just be to develop an iPhone and/or Android application that somehow helps provide people with information they need about their local communities. Because the class will include two experienced technology developers, I expect the students can make a functional prototype.

What do you think?

Which of these high-level ideas seems most intriguing? Are there specific aspects of either topic that you think are worth exploring? Or is there an even more important topic or question for our students to delve into? Please provide your feedback below.

Rich Gordon :Rich Gordon is a professor and director of digital innovation. At Medill, he launched the school’s graduate program in new media journalism. He has spent most of his career exploring the areas where journalism and technology intersect. Prof. Gordon was an early adopter of desktop analytical tools (spreadsheets and databases) to analyze data for journalistic purposes. At The Miami Herald, he was among the first generation of journalists to lead online publishing efforts at newspapers. At Medill, he has developed innovative courses through which students have explored digital content and communities and developed new forms of storytelling that take advantage of the unique capabilities of interactive media. In addition to teaching and writing about digital journalism, he is director of new communities for the Northwestern Media Management Center, where he is responsible for a research initiative focusing on the impact of online communities, including social networks, on journalism and publishing.

View Comments (4)

  • Rich,

    I wonder if part of any innovation needs to focus on the economics of community participants gathering, organizing and furnishing news and information.

    How many systems already exist that could, in effect, foster basic community interaction? Sometimes, you get lucky just putting up rudimentary message boards.

    But this whole notion of filling in the gaps between what community members (any community, vertically or geographically clustered) naturally share with each other, and what journalists might believe constitutes a robust local news report, means one thing to me: money.

    How do you compensate people in any community for reporting those things they would NOT normally share in that community? For balancing sources? For adding imagery to a prose report? For taking time to learn how to improve the effectiveness of their communications?

    I have yet to see technology innovations that enable reasonable compensation from a media entity to the members of the community who contribute to it.

  • Great couple of concepts, each worthy of much exploration. To the first one... our work with Front Porch Forum> is teaching us that a prerequisite for consuming local news is local attention. That is, with so many competing demands for people focus, with decreasing civic engagement (Putnam, et al.), etc. many people simply are not tuned in to their local scene... so fancy new approaches to local news may not attract much of a following. The first step is local engagement.

    That's what Front Porch Forum is all about... more than 10,000 households in our pilot area (Chittenden County, VT) subscribe to our service, including one-third of Burlington. Our mission is about helping neighbors to connect and foster community at the neighborhood level. This leads frequently to news, either from our subscribers or from local media who mine our neighborhood discussions for story leads.

  • Innovative data visualization might be an interesting component to work into the course, whatever you define the core focus to be. There's a wealth of data to be freely mined from news-related sites (e.g., feed data, location data, time, popularity). Finding new ways to visualize that information for the Web and mobile devices in insightful ways would be a fantastic challenge for your students.

    The Information Aesthetics blog has a "News" category that can be a good springboard for brainstorming: http://infosthetics.com/archives/news/

  • Hey, Rich! In response to a post I wrote about this, Benjamin Melançon suggested a couple of neat things.

    One was to build tools for Android phones that would enable speedy content creation and updates from the field. I think a mobile web app for journalists on the go could be pretty neat. We could integrate with other communication tools, like updates on a beat (a la Twitter), and connecting with colleagues.

    The second was loftier: Many-to-many Community News

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