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Participants of ‘Our City Our Voices’ Release First Videos


The participants of Media Mobilizing Project and Juntos’s Immigrant and Low-Wage worker video project have finished their first batch of videos. The videos tell a wide array of stories focusing on health in the community, discrimination against immigrants, the role of unions in protecting immigrant workers and community outreach.

As a reminder, the project is threefold. Through Our City Our Voices we: 1) offer video and web workshops to immigrants, 2) we teamed with the city of Philadelphia to get participants both computers as well as Internet access and 3) we are in the process of creating an online portal (drupal based) which is a home setting for these learners to post their videos but also to discuss their life experiences.

Please check out the first video Does Discrimination Exist Against Immigrant Workers. To see the rest of the videos go to our provisional website.
We are having a screening of the first 6 videos this weekend and our excited as we begin to see this process unfold.

While we have completed two series of workshops thus far, this summer we have two workshops planned, one for Spanish speaking youth and another for English speaking youth and two more courses planned for the fall.

Todd Wolfson :

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