Categories: Weblogs

AP Warms Up to Blogs, Citizen Media at NowPublic

There’s something bland and homogeneous about an Associated Press wire story. Just the facts, ma’am, in classic inverted pyramid style. The satirical newspaper The Onion has made a mint mocking the news wire style, and the blogosphere has targeted the AP and Reuters for hidden agendas in their oh-so-perfect objective style.

How do the staid wire services play in a world where our attention is increasingly shifting toward the commentary and eyewitness reports of blogs and citizen media? Changing their very nature is difficult, so the major news wires have chosen to take small steps toward something bigger. Reuters sent a reporter into the virtual world Second Life and made alliances with blog aggregators Global Voices and BlogBurst. And now the AP has made an alliance with the Media Bloggers Assocation (MBA) for blog coverage of the Scooter Libby trial, and a wider deal with citizen media site, NowPublic.

The recent news of AP teaming with NowPublic was announced at the We Media conference in Miami, where the focus was on how the suits in media could adjust to the new decentralized world of citizen journalism. Jim Kennedy, vice president and director of strategic planning for the AP, told me the wire service has been seriously looking at citizen media since 2004, and has distributed iconic images shot by average citizens for many years.

Jim Kennedy

“From the Oklahoma City bombing, there’s the famous picture of the fireman carrying the baby out of the rubble, captured by a bank clerk,” Kennedy said. “The space shuttle breaking up over Texas was captured by a cardiologist shot from his back porch. And we’ve had people capture shots in the Twin Towers during 9/11 and in the tunnel during the London bombings, and the tsunami images and video.

“The bottom line is this: You can’t continue to approach the news in the same way as you always have, in a world where everyone is equipped to capture some of that news. In the days when only the professionals were equipped to do that, then you had one approach. In a world where people have the tools at their disposal to contribute on a regular basis you’d be foolish not to tap into that. The potential here is that you have someone on the scene of almost everything, and as a news wire that’s a really rich resource to tap into.”

So what does NowPublic offer the AP in such an alliance? The site was launched in March 2005 but has built up a registered base of 60,000 contributors, who can upload text, photos, audio or video to the site. NowPublic co-founder Michael Tippett told me the site’s active participants are “in the thousands,” uploading material on a daily or weekly basis. The site has improved some past usability problems, according to Tippett, and NowPublic’s board now includes longtime online journalist Merrill Brown as chairman.

“NowPublic has a presence where [the AP] doesn’t have it,” Tippett said. “If news happens, chances are we have someone [there], more people than [the AP] does. [Our users] aren’t trained journalists, some of them are, but they can take photos and video and make phone reports and cover things that [the AP] just can’t cover. The other thing we do is make sense of all that stuff. That is a big problem for a lot of mainstream media organizations. If something happens, and a news organization tells readers ‘send in your coverage,’ they’ll get 20,000 emails, and what do you do with that? We have some filtering mechanisms to help them sort through stuff.”

As for figuring out hoaxes or inaccurate material, Tippett says the community can leave comments about stories or flag something if it doesn’t pass the smell test. But NowPublic is taking an open newsgathering approach where people in the community see raw material and help sort the good from bad. If something important breaks on NowPublic, and the AP is alerted to it, the wire service can then purchase the text or photos or video, and will pay the content creator — with a cut going to NowPublic.

“The AP gets the content, the creator gets paid and we would get a percentage of that,” Tippett said. “It’s the first time the AP has gone about this with an organized system.”

Bloggers Handcuff Themselves

Not long before the NowPublic alliance, the AP made an agreement with the Media Bloggers Association to point to their member bloggers’ coverage of the trial of Lewis “Scooter” Libby. The MBA made waves by getting press credentials for 18 bloggers — conservative and liberal — to rotate in to two slots in the court’s press room to live-blog the judicial proceedings.

[Full disclosure: I am a member of the MBA. Plus, the MBA will be running blog posts on the PBS Frontline site related to the News War documentary.]

Robert Cox

Blogger Robert Cox is the president of the MBA, and is focusing on getting press credentials for bloggers at high-profile events, while also offering legal protection for bloggers. Cox told me some people at the AP had concerns about running unedited blogs from the courtroom, so he got the bloggers to agree to some basic ground rules of conduct.

“I called around to all the bloggers, and said, ‘There’s a time and place to be edgy,’” Cox said. “This is not the time to write a post titled ‘Dick Cheney is a [expletive deleted].’ We sought to address [the AP’s concerns] by saying we have a vetted membership of bloggers who’ve agreed to ascribe to certain ideals of what they’re trying to do. [The AP] has the kind of accountability that they want. I’m not going to control what the blogger writes, but if they get way out of line and embarrass the AP, they can be pulled from the feed.”

The AP is limiting the distribution of the bloggers’ posts from the trial, only including a pop-up box off their main Libby wire stories that run on about 750 medium- and small-market newspaper sites. So if you go to the Des Moines Register home page, you have to click on From AP Wire and then find the wire story on the Libby trial. Then you go down that page and find a box on the sidebar titled, “Posts from the Media Bloggers Association.” Clicking on that box brings up a pop-up page with headlines and the first few sentences from each blog post, which then links through to the blogs themselves.

The total distance from the Des Moines Register front page to the full blogger posts is at least four clicks. “The bloggers are literally being kept in a box,” Cox noted wryly.

Steve Johnson

Steve Johnson, online editor at the AP who is overseeing the deal with the MBA, said the AP had to create this amount of distance to make sure its editors — and AP member newspaper editors — were comfortable with running the content.

“There was a certain amount of distancing we had to do,” Johnson told me. “The MBA is intriguing to us because they have some standards, they have a balanced group, with liberals and conservatives. They have an informal agreement about how far they would go with trashing people. It’s funny that what happens when people say they want legitimacy, they will put handcuffs on themselves. When you go to a court and say ‘I want to be certified to be a reporter,’ then suddenly the court administrators and lawyers see what you write about them. And you’ve crossed a threshold and it matters, because they can kick you out of the courtroom and keep you from coming back.

“That was a key selling point. We want to keep doing this with other trials and other events. And that means there’s certain language you can’t use. If you’re covering a beat, you can’t burn your sources.”

So far, no bloggers have had their credentials pulled, though Cox did have to remove a comment on the very first blog post about the trial. That comment was aimed at the AP for using Iraqi policeman Jamil Hussein as a source, a long-running feud the wire service had with the conservative blogosphere. Cox told the blogger to remove the comment, and she did.

But just as some bloggers are trying to become legitimate members of the press, other bloggers are wondering if that’s the point of what they do, and are opposed to creating a new elite for bloggers. Law blogger Tim Gebhart lauded the MBA’s efforts, but noted that many bloggers can already cover live events and that credentials work against the bloggers’ ethos. Here is part of Gebhart’s argument:

Any effort to proclaim one segment of a group of similarly situated individuals as an “elite,” entitled to advantages over the others, should raise red flags for all bloggers. Designating an “elite tier” of bloggers seems particularly contrary to one of the best concepts underlying blogs — they allow almost anyone a low-cost means of participating in the marketplace of ideas by distributing ideas, analysis, and criticism worldwide…

Don’t get me wrong. Adhering to certain ethical standards behooves bloggers and their readers, but it isn’t just what the [Washington] Post calls “this experiment of free expression” that is guilty of ethical lapses….An “elite” stamp from any particular organization does not guarantee anything. It certainly should never become the determinant of the legitimacy or value of any individual or collective blog.

Social Networks for News Junkies

So now that the AP has taken their baby steps into citizen media and blogs, what comes next? Cox hopes the MBA bloggers will move up the food chain at the AP and eventually have their content run directly on newspaper sites and perhaps in print. NowPublic hopes to gain more exposure for its site and its army of citizen journalists, who could get paid for their work.

Jim Kennedy at the AP says that wire services will become part of an online social network of news hounds, and says that professionals will still be needed.

“The Internet audience will evolve into a big social network of news junkies,” he said. “Instead of sitting in front of a television at 6:30 pm or reading a newspaper religiously every morning, the next generation of news junkies will be connected to the Internet through multiple devices and multiple networks, and news will surface through those networks. Working with people and letting them participate will become a built-in part of the consumption patterns. Connecting with users in a personal way will be part of what we’ll do. If you want to be the most comprehensive source in news you’ll have to connect to that resource or you won’t access the kind of news that you need to have.

“The professionals will still be on the big stories, and there will be a value to that and to editors and to setting the agenda of what the top stories are. But there will be this whole new visibility of other things, a Long Tail of news that’s impossible to capture now with what we’ve developed as mainstream tools, so we need to develop new tools and new networks to expand our reach. Everyone will do that. The kind of things we’re talking about now will be absolutely routine and expected in a couple years. It sounds really new and risky today, but if you’re not game to get in and work through the risks then you’re going to lose the opportunity, and that’s finally what we came to.”

What do you think about wire services stepping their toes into the citizen media waters? Are these the right steps, or should they be looking at more radical reinventions? What do you think the future holds for wire service stories, photos and video? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

UPDATE: David Bauder, the TV writer at the AP, didn’t appreciate my stereotype of all AP writing as being bland. Here’s what he wrote to me in an email:

As the television writer at the AP, I appreciated reading your smart, perceptive piece on the AP’s alliance with bloggers. All except the lede. There are a lot of people at the AP who take great pride in their writing, and a lot of examples of good, and different, writing on the wire. Sure, there are plenty of stories like you suggest, either due to time pressures, necessity (a story that doesn’t need much more) or lack of creativity. But it’s a sterotype I think we’re moving beyond, and it makes me wince to see it reinforced.

Fair enough. I think there’s a bit of tension on where the AP would go if it went beyond the bland and simple inverted pyramid. With so much opinion and snark in the online world and blogosphere, it might take a cultural leap for wire writers to go that far. And perhaps the fact that the AP is so focused on being bland and geting it right sets it apart from the ocean of online rants.

Mark Glaser :Mark Glaser is founder and executive director of MediaShift. He contributes regularly to Digital Content Next’s InContext site and newsletter. Glaser is a longtime freelance journalist whose career includes columns on hip-hop, reviews of videogames, travel stories, and humor columns that poked fun at the titans of technology. From 2001 to 2005, he wrote a weekly column for USC Annenberg School of Communication's Online Journalism Review. Glaser has written essays for Harvard's Nieman Reports and the website for the Yale Center for Globalization. Glaser has written columns on the Internet and technology for the Los Angeles Times, CNET and HotWired, and has written features for the New York Times, Conde Nast Traveler, Entertainment Weekly, the San Jose Mercury News, and many other publications. He was the lead writer for the Industry Standard's award-winning "Media Grok" daily email newsletter during the dot-com heyday, and was named a finalist for a 2004 Online Journalism Award in the Online Commentary category for his OJR column. Glaser won the Innovation Journalism Award in 2010 from the Stanford Center for Innovation and Communication. Glaser received a Bachelor of Journalism and Bachelor of Arts in English at the University of Missouri at Columbia, and currently lives in San Francisco with his wife Renee and his two sons, Julian and Everett. Glaser has been a guest on PBS' "Newshour," NPR's "Talk of the Nation," KALW's "Media Roundtable" and TechTV's "Silicon Spin." He has given keynote speeches at Independent Television Service's (ITVS) Diversity Retreat and the College Media Assocation's national convention. He has been part of the lecture/concert series at Yale Law School and Arkansas State University, and has moderated many industry panels. He spoke in May 2013 to the Maui Business Brainstormers about the "Digital Media Revolution." To inquire about speaking opportunities, please use the site's Contact Form.

View Comments (18)

  • Len,

    Giving in to risk-adverse institutions? You can't be serious. I mean, it's great that you want to "move forward" but running off a cliff is not my idea of progress. It sounds to me like you've watched "Easy Rider" one too many times.

    Don't get me wrong, it's really "cool" that you you are so empowered by blogging and now "free" to play by your own rules. That is really just so cool. And if the day comes that you are served legal papers for something you published on your blog I hope you will find a judge who is equally cool and decides to replace state or federal statutes with YOUR rules! That will be just awesome, dude and then you will like win your case like so easily and like the judge will be really cool and then everyone will be really happy and will just be so so cool and you will really totally empowered.

    In the meantime, the rest of the world is dealing with the reality that bloggers are not immune to legal action for what they publish on their blog and people like me are trying to figure out the best ways to preserve the freedoms that you find so empowering.

    I deal with these issues every day. Hiring an attorney and putting on a defense costs money. Individual bloggers are do not generally have the financial wherewithal to pay these costs and even less are able to afford to lose a case. Unless Bill Gates plans on writing a big check, the only viable solution is for bloggers themselves to pool resources - a liability insurance product for bloggers. Bloggers working together for their own mutual defense is not seeking the "favor" of big insurance companies. It is self-interest.

    Let me tell you a story.

    I just spent an hour on the telephone with a man who has been sued down in Florida. A small business owner has sued five commenters to a community forum web site over comments they made regarding bad service at his store. The small business owner is looking for in excess of $15,000 plus punitive damages plus court costs and expenses from each commenter. The guy I spoke needs an attorney as will the other four defendants. He needs ten grand to hire a lawyer to appear in court in 20 days. He doesn't have the money. The other four are going to need attorneys too. Can you and all the other empowered bloggers please send him them a check for 50k? Or maybe I should just tell this guy he needs to learn to play by his own rules and skip his court appearance. Except the last person that tried this in Florida was slapped with an $11 million dollar judgement against them. Total downer, dude.

    Maybe I should tell him to remove the true, accurate things that he wrote about the company in Florida. Then maybe the business owner will drop the lawsuit. Of course free speech is tossed out the window but what the heck.

    Oh, and after you come up with the check for $50,000 I would like you to then line up more money in the event they lose and have to pay off a six or seven figure judgment. And then we'll need money for the appeal.

    I am all for a vibrant "marketplace of ideas" but just remember what happened at the end of "Easy Rider". While your playing by your own rules there's some plaintiff lurking in the weeds with a shotgun - and he doesn't give a damn how "empowered" you feel.

  • Mario Lavandeira (Perez Hilton) plays by his own rules. Apparently Jennifer Aniston and Universal City Studios don't share his sense of empowerment.

    Lawsuit Over Topless Aniston Photo

    Mario may be able to afford his own attorney but he is among a minuscule fraction of bloggers in such a position. Regardless of whatever bravado he might display publicly he surely realizes that Universal has the financial resources to go to the mattresses on this one. Does he?

  • Hi Robert:

    Did you call me dude? That's fairly amusing, given my age. Any how, remember what I said in the first words of my last post:

    I joined the Media Bloggers Association...because I did like the idea of a group working to defend its members legally. You have done admirable work there.

    Yes, there are idiots out there that want to sue us, and yes we should be aware of that, and yes we should take action. But what does that have to do with the Media Bloggers Association deciding what is safe journalism and what is not?

    Build coalitions, lobby for our legal rights. I am with you, that's why I joined. Provide training. Just don't tell me that the Media Blogger Association will provide some royal imprimatur. I don't want any unofficial or official body to sanction what is good journalism and what is not. Let the public decide that. And if you think the courts are willing agents of people out to stifle free speech, then go after the courts. Don't ask me to reign in my speech to save free speech. Because you know what, dude? It ain't gonna happen.

  • It is the worth of citizen involved journalism, which makes it future of main stream media world wide. Only thing is to well communicate this to citizens and try to safe guard the citizen inputs as and where these are performed.

    I think this combine AP with Now public will do all this for making citizen involved journalism a reliable and serious for social development all around the globe.

    Good wishes

  • A Bloger is the idea creator of citizen media. He/she lived a dream to share his/her Info to knowledge and knowledge to feeling with world without expecting any thing from either side.

    Before and after this movement started this social sharing on entire subjects and issues beyond the definition of good and bad flow uninterrupted.
    Now this and other collaboration for making citizen media more action oriented is just to give its commercialism to the cause.

    It can affect citizen involved media in either ways.
    1. Quality and quality of contents will increase no doubt.
    2. feeling could be missing from them as it will make them competitive with other players , where as earlier citizen media contributors are doing it mostly for their
    Personal information sharing zest without much of market interests.

    It is my strong opinion that citizen media gets it power from citizens and citizens are best judge to see and decide the direction and movement of citizen journalism in days to come.

    Best wiehes from

    (A community news portal run and manage Young Indian research Journalists)

  • >>For the first time, a federal court formally recognized bloggers as journalists for purposing of media credentialing at a high-profile trial.

    I had a blogging seat in the Press Room of the Libby courthouse (the Prettyman) in Sept., 2004, as a credentialed online journalist. The result: I blogged the 9-month trial of USA v. Philip Morris, et. al. (http://www.tobacco-on-trial.com). I was referenced in this capacity in the New York Times on Oct. 28, 2004.

    Similarly, I was credentialed to attend and report on the US Supreme Court session which heard the Williams v. Philip Morris arguments on Oct. 31, 2006.

    Also similarly, I was granted access to the Press Rooms of the Rosen trial (NY Supreme Court, Mineola, LI, 2005) and the Schwab trial (US District Court for the Eastern District of New York, Brooklyn, NY 2006).

    I have always been treated with grace and respect by every courtroom officer I have dealt with, and have usually received my credentials within days, sometimes minutes. Not years. I had no need of an organization.


    Gene Borio
    195 Bleecker St. #11
    New York, NY 10012


    Tobacco on Trial

  • Len,

    I cannot contend with someone who will assert that two plus two is not four, then re-assert it, then assert it, then re-assert it again. If the MBA were doing as you claim I would be first in line to agree with you. It's not. So where does that leave us?

    I have provided details. You have provided slogans.

    You based your alarmist rhetoric on this quote:

    "We sought to address [the APs concerns] by saying we have a vetted membership of bloggers whove agreed to ascribe to certain ideals of what theyre trying to do. [The AP] has the kind of accountability that they want. Im not going to control what the blogger writes, but if they get way out of line and embarrass the AP, they can be pulled from the feed.

    You already know that the MBA has a VETTED MEMBERSHIP because you went through that same vetting process to become a member and remained a member while other bloggers went through that same process.

    You already know that the MBA' Statement of Principles contains a set of IDEALS to which we hope MBA members will aspire. You know that one of the requirements for membership is to be familiar with the MBA Statement of Principles and support it.

    I have already addressed the rather obvious point that as a condition of carrying an RSS Feed of blog posts from MBA Members at the Libby Trial that participating bloggers agreed not to use profanity or otherwise violate AP standards.

    You also know that no blogger is required to be an MBA member, that no MBA member was required to cover the Libby Trial, that no MBA/Libby Trial bloggers were required to be part of the MBA/AP RSS Feed, that no blogger who was part of the feed was required to submit every post on their blog to the feed.

    How exactly is anyone's "free speech" reigned in by the MBA-AP deal?

    How exactly is the MBA determining or seeking to determine what is "safe journalism"?

    Provide some specific examples of the way in which your speech was suppressed by the MBA either before, during or after joining the MBA?

  • Hi Robert:

    This will be my last post on the subject of journalism certification.I am opposed to any step in that direction by anyone or any organization.

    Macworld has an article about France making it illegal for private citizens to publish videos of violent acts. I am concluding with Macworld's concluding paragraph:

    The government has also proposed a certification system for Web sites, blog hosters, mobile-phone operators and Internet service providers, identifying them as government-approved sources of information if they adhere to certain rules. The journalists organization Reporters Without Borders, which campaigns for a free press, has warned that such a system could lead to excessive self censorship as organizations worried about losing their certification suppress certain stories.

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